Thursday, March 25, 2010

uhm how about you move the purse from your face when you walk??

not a new concept really! I wish they would quit giving this girl the time of day.

Monday, March 1, 2010

gotta love it!

so here goes...

Not that I will have tons of followers but maybe a few people will check in and see what's on my mind. (hopefully)

I haven't decided what to use this blog for but for now it will just be random ramblings. There are several things on my mind at the moment.

1- how am I ever going to lose all this baby weight dating back to my first child born 10yrs ago?!?! I really want to lose it so I can look halfway decent in clothes. Of course, it also has a health benefit to dropping the weight.

2- how am I going to continue making this Gold Canyon Candle business work let alone profitable? I am not looking for a career in direct sales but it would be nice to have a few extra dollars every month. I know the economy still sucks but I have read numerous articles that say Direct Sales actually thrive in poor economic conditions. So what gives? I don't want to be that pesky sales person that you DREAD hearing from. So if you want some good candles, hit me up and I won't bore with you some recruitment come sell for me speech! OR at the very least just check out my website for some sale items:

3-will I ever get my house organized?? or the backyard in somewhat decent condition? Three kids in the house make it nearly impossible to have a clean looking house let alone organized. Something about not putting things where they go just doesn't stick to their little noggins. And of course three kids and three dogs running amuck outside will surely do nothing but kick up dirt. I just want some green grass in my backyard. Maybe I just need to concrete the whole thing.

well I suppose I have rambled enough for the first time.... feel free to toss in your two cents if you so feel inclined.
