What do I need to do? Lots of things...but the most important one is write up a teaching philosophy to attach to my resume for online instructor jobs. I am anxiously awaiting news on whether or not I get a shot at teaching for Univ. of Phoenix Axia College. It's sheer torture I tell you. But like some say no news is good news.
However, I need to keep exploring the options out there and some applications require a teaching philosophy. I know most of you would think it's pretty easy to do but for some reason I have the hardest time getting started. I have always had a hard time getting any of my college papers started. But once I do, the stuff just flows. So what's the hold up?? Writer's block? Fear? Laziness?
Who knows...but I am avoiding it as you can tell. I'll do anything but sit and make myself write it...and now I am running out of things to do besides that.
*sigh* guess I will take a stab at it. But if I am back anytime soon, you will know that avoidance wins again.

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