Monday, August 1, 2011

Been Awhile

Well, it looks like it has been a year and couple of months since I last posted anything. Reason being was because I got that online teaching gig and it has for the most part consumed every last spare second I had. But now I am in my 3rd course teaching and I have a bit of a routine which allows me to free up time here and there. While I do like the extra funds, it is quite frustrating dealing with adult students who don't want to put in the effort. And sadly it feels like it is rubbing off on me....I don't want to put in much do anything these days.

I still take care of what I need to, respectively that is work, family and the house. Seems there is something missing...oh yea... ME! I have pushed me to the side even though it may not seem like it. Yes, I started walking a bit more often whenever a friend has time to meet up with me and I started a "bootcamp" class 3 days a week. However, schedules haven't allowed me to walk with a buddy lately and I only have a month left of paid bootcamp classes. Oh yea and that walking thing is supposed to be pretty consistent because I signed up to do a half marathon. (what was I thinking???) I am not feeling too motivated.

This leads me to my biggest problem...I want it all now and in a quick fix....a drop of a hat....snap of a finger....and wave of a magic wand. I want to be back in a size 12 pants, no more muffin tops or jelly rolls, and I want to look cute in clothes again.

Oh and let's just add some more craziness to this... doc put me on an appetite suppressant and low cal diet for another month as well as the hubs. I know that many will say that is not the way to go and even the doc said this is not a permanent thing but a training mechanism on how to eat right and smaller portions. Hell I ate fricking Kashi this morning for breakfast and suffering the wrath or miserable indigestion ever since!! Who constantly eats that crap day in and day out? Can I just say "I HATE IT!"

Why does something like losing weight have to be so hard to do?
I am not an overly athletic person, never have been but at the same time I never was a big food person either. But thanks to pregnancies and age, fat is stuck to me like glue and it sucks. I know that long term weight loss and health comes from exercise and eating right....but easier said than done (especially in the hot as hell Texas weather).

I truly wish I lived back in CO with friends and family that would drag me out of the house more often. But alas, I am in Texas where people stay indoors more often and on their own side of town. I am open to suggestions but don't criticize me because that just shuts you out and puts a target on your head for my dart practice.

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