Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I did it!!

Went a whole week without a sip of soda...more specifically Coke since that is my big weakness! I usually have one a week to satisfy the craving or as a little pick me on on sluggish day. But I know that the tons of sugar in it isn't good for me and Water is supposed to be my BFF.

So through lots of willpower and cheerleaders from my friends and tweeps, I got my #7daychip.

Now I will see how many more days I can go without having any soda. It'd be cool to earn a #30daychip, but I will take it one day at a time. I also don't want to overload myself. I am about to start a running program next week and need to get to hustling on training for my half marathon in October. But both of these tasks should help me lose a few more pounds and inches.

So I hope I can continue this trend and still hear my cheerleaders cheering me on. I am gonna need it!!


  1. good job! & good luck on the training:)

  2. thanks! I am still plugging along.I think I might actually be enjoying it lol
