I think this crazy summer is about to wind down...at least I sure hope so. I think we've traveled more in this year than we have in a long time. Of course that traveling tends to make me slack off ....on lots of things. But hopefully I can get back on track with kids starting school next week. There will be routines again and maybe some sense to the insanity. I won't hold my breath too long on that one.
So since the last post, I was feeling rather stressed about not seeing any weight loss progress and there was a stall in the exercise deal. Well, I am seeing results, I think... yes I am skeptical because the scale says it occurred but I am not seeing it in my clothes yet. However, I am out of the 200 marks! I guess you could say I have entered "onederland" ....but I still have a bit more to lose. Which can be achieved by watching the calories and of course incorporating exercise.
Wellllll.... therein lies a problem, I've slacked on the exercise because of this EXCESSIVELY INSANE heat wave S. Texas has. I have worked out a couple of times after work in the 100 degree and yes that was dumb! I felt awful afterwards not to mention sweaty and thirsty. So I have decided I will try out a running training program called 5K in 100 days. Maybe that will give me the 'accountability' to get up and do it in the morning before the blazing hot sun melts my very being. PLUS I am technically supposed to be training for my 2nd half marathon. Yea perhaps I did sign up for too much at once, but that is the overachiever in me. If I can earn my MBA while working full time then surely I can do all of this and lose the baby weight from 1999!
So I guess while I figure crap out, I welcome suggestions and of course my own cheerleading squad can remind me that I can do this. I can do it right? And not like turn into Oscar the Grouch or something?

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