My issue can be best summed up with this:

Yep there's someone out there...well there may be more than one person since I am not exactly miss sociable, that doesn't like me anymore. Heck I even wondered if they ever did. But for some reason it really bugs me. I think it has to do with the fact that I can't think of anything I did to cause this sudden dislike. How do I know? Well I don't know except by actions. Never responds to texts anymore, and I think they even unfollowed me on twitter (yes I knew this person personally, even hung out a couple of times) and even ignores comments on facebook. Yet I still have them on my friends list. Why I am not sure, especially since they have me second guessing myself and almost obsessing over the fact they don't like me!? WTF? I mean who doesn't like me??
Since I have let this thing bring me down one too many times, I can't let it anymore. I have friends who do like me and a family who loves me. Why does this one person's approval matter so much? Fuck if I know but I can't give them anymore of my energy. I need to shift it to me and my family and true friends. So these are the two things I need to remind myself daily and no longer let this person doubt myself:

Perhaps I should start each day off like Stuart Smalley did....
I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it...people like me.
Then I just need to surround myself with the people who do like me....for me. I am loyal, trustworthy, funny, crazy, loving, and probably one of the best listeners you could ask for even for being partially deaf. Simply put:

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