Friday, September 16, 2011
Friday Funny
Maybe it's only me but I find these two videos hilarious!! I am an 80s freak I know!
Needless to say I am in a pretty good mood now! LOL Yay for Friday and funnies!
Go link up with the rest of Friday Funnies! HERE
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Thankful Thursday
What are you thankful for?
In light of recent events, whether it be the earthquakes, hurricanes or even wildfires, I think many of us are thankful for so many things. I know I am and I just wanted to jot them down and spread the word.
I'm Thankful for:
* my beautiful kids who have not a care in the world and long for nothing but to make me and Dad smile and shower them with love.
* my awesome husband who does everything he possibly can to take care of me and the kids. he truly is a wonderful man and one of my best friends.
* my extended family who helped me be the person I am today because of your guidance and love.
* my wonderful friends, near & far who no matter how busy life gets still take a moment to say hi and catch up with me. a friendly ear to vent from time to time or even just to gossip is priceless. Thanks to all who have cheered me on during my journey to lose weight and just get happier and healthier.
(here are just a few of my many friends below)
* my home. I still have a home and have not had to sustain any major loss due to natural disasters. my heart aches for those who have lost theirs recently. I pray they can rebuild soon.
* my job. I still have a full time job that allows me to provide the necessities for my family. I pray that our country wakes up and soon realizes it needs to get back on track and employ the many who are out of work. it not only provides them with income to sustain life but it also provides a great deal of pride in knowing you are doing something worthwhile and are important to society.
* my health, even though I occasionally gripe about having a hard time to lose weight or can't be a super athlete, at least I am alive and well. I miss those friends and family who have passed on and I pray for those who are fighting as much as possible to stay alive and well. I pray that a cure is found for so many debilitating diseases.
Happy Thursday to you all! Feel free to link up.
I'm Thankful for:
* my beautiful kids who have not a care in the world and long for nothing but to make me and Dad smile and shower them with love.
* my awesome husband who does everything he possibly can to take care of me and the kids. he truly is a wonderful man and one of my best friends.
* my wonderful friends, near & far who no matter how busy life gets still take a moment to say hi and catch up with me. a friendly ear to vent from time to time or even just to gossip is priceless. Thanks to all who have cheered me on during my journey to lose weight and just get happier and healthier.
(here are just a few of my many friends below)
* my home. I still have a home and have not had to sustain any major loss due to natural disasters. my heart aches for those who have lost theirs recently. I pray they can rebuild soon.
* my job. I still have a full time job that allows me to provide the necessities for my family. I pray that our country wakes up and soon realizes it needs to get back on track and employ the many who are out of work. it not only provides them with income to sustain life but it also provides a great deal of pride in knowing you are doing something worthwhile and are important to society.
* my health, even though I occasionally gripe about having a hard time to lose weight or can't be a super athlete, at least I am alive and well. I miss those friends and family who have passed on and I pray for those who are fighting as much as possible to stay alive and well. I pray that a cure is found for so many debilitating diseases.
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1st Half RnR marathon w/mom & sis |
Happy Thursday to you all! Feel free to link up.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
We Want to Know Wednesday

1. What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas. It’s a day of family and joy. I have many great memories of Christmas with my family in Colorado when I was growing up. Now I am trying to start new traditions and make memories with my kids and hubby. I like seeing their faces light up when they get a cool, new toy or something they have really wanted.
2. Do you have any fun holiday traditions? What are they?
We now make a boat load of sugar cookies for the kids to decorate and they get taken over to whose ever’s house we’re doing Xmas dinner at. We save some for us too. And I also make my grandma’s fudge that day. We always put up the Xmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. Kind of fun watching the kids fight over who gets to put up the most ornaments. Now we basically have two trees so that we put up most of our ornaments. Oh and then we go driving around to look at Xmas lights around town. We get into our comfy clothes or jammies, turn on the Christmas music and look at the decorated houses.
3. When do you start Christmas shopping?
I try (keyword try) to start around Halloween. But things always mess up my schedule or budget. I really should do it throughout the year like my grandmother did. Sometimes it is just so hard to decide what to get certain people, you know like in-laws that you don’t particularly care for or a coworker that you don’t know that well? So ultimately, I can be seen still shopping up til Christmas Eve. My goal is to NEVER be out shopping on Christmas Eve, that is family time.
4. What is your favorite holiday food?
Yes.................Oh wait, I have to pick one?!? I don’t know that I can narrow it down! I think I will have to go with my grandma’s homemade fudge. Now I have perfected her recipe and get to enjoy it every year. If I am in a jolly mood, I even share some with friends and family.
5. Share a favorite childhood holiday memory
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at my grandparents with the whole family. Christmas Eve we’re making cookies for Santa and playing games. Then Christmas Day after Mass we had brunch complete with the Screwdrivers, Blood Mary’s and coffee. We then opened presents but the last present to be opened was from my grandfather and it was always a 15lb box of chocolates from Michelle’s Candies. Then we played games, watched movies, played in the snow, and had leftover ham for sandwiches for dinner. Maybe this year I will incorporate the Screwdrivers into our breakfast menu. :O) LOL
6. Have you ever actually tried fruitcake??
Against my will, yes. My grandmother made some one time and told me I had to try it. I don’t think I ever remember gagging so much except maybe with morning sickness. NEVER AGAIN.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Tough Shit Tuesday
I wanted to go do my 2nd week interval running today after work.... tough shit I have final papers to grade for my class by Thursday.
I was hoping there would be dinner on the counter when I got home.... tough shit everyone fended for themselves before practice tonite, you're on your own.
I want 20lbs to drop off my fat ass right now.... tough shit you have to work at it.
I want to go to bed early tonite...tough shit the kids have practice til 8:30pm and weekly feedback for students is due tomorrow.
I want my birthday freebie from Starbucks like now....tough shit it's in the mail and will get there when it gets there.
I was hoping there would be dinner on the counter when I got home.... tough shit everyone fended for themselves before practice tonite, you're on your own.
I want 20lbs to drop off my fat ass right now.... tough shit you have to work at it.
I want to go to bed early tonite...tough shit the kids have practice til 8:30pm and weekly feedback for students is due tomorrow.
I want my birthday freebie from Starbucks like now....tough shit it's in the mail and will get there when it gets there.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
So I have been dealing with this stupid thing on my mind for quite some time. I say it's stupid now but initially it wasn't. Perhaps once I get this vent off my chest, I will let go and move on.
My issue can be best summed up with this:
Yep there's someone out there...well there may be more than one person since I am not exactly miss sociable, that doesn't like me anymore. Heck I even wondered if they ever did. But for some reason it really bugs me. I think it has to do with the fact that I can't think of anything I did to cause this sudden dislike. How do I know? Well I don't know except by actions. Never responds to texts anymore, and I think they even unfollowed me on twitter (yes I knew this person personally, even hung out a couple of times) and even ignores comments on facebook. Yet I still have them on my friends list. Why I am not sure, especially since they have me second guessing myself and almost obsessing over the fact they don't like me!? WTF? I mean who doesn't like me??
Since I have let this thing bring me down one too many times, I can't let it anymore. I have friends who do like me and a family who loves me. Why does this one person's approval matter so much? Fuck if I know but I can't give them anymore of my energy. I need to shift it to me and my family and true friends. So these are the two things I need to remind myself daily and no longer let this person doubt myself:
Perhaps I should start each day off like Stuart Smalley did....
I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it...people like me.
Then I just need to surround myself with the people who do like me....for me. I am loyal, trustworthy, funny, crazy, loving, and probably one of the best listeners you could ask for even for being partially deaf. Simply put:
My issue can be best summed up with this:

Yep there's someone out there...well there may be more than one person since I am not exactly miss sociable, that doesn't like me anymore. Heck I even wondered if they ever did. But for some reason it really bugs me. I think it has to do with the fact that I can't think of anything I did to cause this sudden dislike. How do I know? Well I don't know except by actions. Never responds to texts anymore, and I think they even unfollowed me on twitter (yes I knew this person personally, even hung out a couple of times) and even ignores comments on facebook. Yet I still have them on my friends list. Why I am not sure, especially since they have me second guessing myself and almost obsessing over the fact they don't like me!? WTF? I mean who doesn't like me??
Since I have let this thing bring me down one too many times, I can't let it anymore. I have friends who do like me and a family who loves me. Why does this one person's approval matter so much? Fuck if I know but I can't give them anymore of my energy. I need to shift it to me and my family and true friends. So these are the two things I need to remind myself daily and no longer let this person doubt myself:

Perhaps I should start each day off like Stuart Smalley did....
I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it...people like me.
Then I just need to surround myself with the people who do like me....for me. I am loyal, trustworthy, funny, crazy, loving, and probably one of the best listeners you could ask for even for being partially deaf. Simply put:

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Crusing along....
Well I am down a few more pounds and officially in "onederland" according to the doc. And I still have not had any soda since I earned my #7daychip. But that might account for my crankiness lately....or could it be my students who just don't get what I am trying to convey to them? Either way I am looking forward to a break, a much needed break. I get a little over a month off from teaching. During that time I plan to catch up on some rest, do my best to stay on track with my eating habits, attempt to do the workouts for #5kin100days and enjoy the kiddos a bit more.
Hopefully this month of September will blow on by relatively easily and quickly. I hope to be down another 10 pounds by the end of September and that will get me closer to my goal of losing 25lbs by Xmas. I can do it. I need to do it! I want to do it! I want a happier, healthier and sexier looking me back. I want to be able to say "I still got it". One fine day.
Hopefully this month of September will blow on by relatively easily and quickly. I hope to be down another 10 pounds by the end of September and that will get me closer to my goal of losing 25lbs by Xmas. I can do it. I need to do it! I want to do it! I want a happier, healthier and sexier looking me back. I want to be able to say "I still got it". One fine day.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I did it!!
Went a whole week without a sip of soda...more specifically Coke since that is my big weakness! I usually have one a week to satisfy the craving or as a little pick me on on sluggish day. But I know that the tons of sugar in it isn't good for me and Water is supposed to be my BFF.
So through lots of willpower and cheerleaders from my friends and tweeps, I got my #7daychip.
Now I will see how many more days I can go without having any soda. It'd be cool to earn a #30daychip, but I will take it one day at a time. I also don't want to overload myself. I am about to start a running program next week and need to get to hustling on training for my half marathon in October. But both of these tasks should help me lose a few more pounds and inches.
So I hope I can continue this trend and still hear my cheerleaders cheering me on. I am gonna need it!!
So through lots of willpower and cheerleaders from my friends and tweeps, I got my #7daychip.

Now I will see how many more days I can go without having any soda. It'd be cool to earn a #30daychip, but I will take it one day at a time. I also don't want to overload myself. I am about to start a running program next week and need to get to hustling on training for my half marathon in October. But both of these tasks should help me lose a few more pounds and inches.
So I hope I can continue this trend and still hear my cheerleaders cheering me on. I am gonna need it!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Could it be??
I think this crazy summer is about to wind least I sure hope so. I think we've traveled more in this year than we have in a long time. Of course that traveling tends to make me slack off ....on lots of things. But hopefully I can get back on track with kids starting school next week. There will be routines again and maybe some sense to the insanity. I won't hold my breath too long on that one.
So since the last post, I was feeling rather stressed about not seeing any weight loss progress and there was a stall in the exercise deal. Well, I am seeing results, I think... yes I am skeptical because the scale says it occurred but I am not seeing it in my clothes yet. However, I am out of the 200 marks! I guess you could say I have entered "onederland" ....but I still have a bit more to lose. Which can be achieved by watching the calories and of course incorporating exercise.
Wellllll.... therein lies a problem, I've slacked on the exercise because of this EXCESSIVELY INSANE heat wave S. Texas has. I have worked out a couple of times after work in the 100 degree and yes that was dumb! I felt awful afterwards not to mention sweaty and thirsty. So I have decided I will try out a running training program called 5K in 100 days. Maybe that will give me the 'accountability' to get up and do it in the morning before the blazing hot sun melts my very being. PLUS I am technically supposed to be training for my 2nd half marathon. Yea perhaps I did sign up for too much at once, but that is the overachiever in me. If I can earn my MBA while working full time then surely I can do all of this and lose the baby weight from 1999!
So I guess while I figure crap out, I welcome suggestions and of course my own cheerleading squad can remind me that I can do this. I can do it right? And not like turn into Oscar the Grouch or something?

Monday, August 1, 2011
Been Awhile
Well, it looks like it has been a year and couple of months since I last posted anything. Reason being was because I got that online teaching gig and it has for the most part consumed every last spare second I had. But now I am in my 3rd course teaching and I have a bit of a routine which allows me to free up time here and there. While I do like the extra funds, it is quite frustrating dealing with adult students who don't want to put in the effort. And sadly it feels like it is rubbing off on me....I don't want to put in much do anything these days.
I still take care of what I need to, respectively that is work, family and the house. Seems there is something missing...oh yea... ME! I have pushed me to the side even though it may not seem like it. Yes, I started walking a bit more often whenever a friend has time to meet up with me and I started a "bootcamp" class 3 days a week. However, schedules haven't allowed me to walk with a buddy lately and I only have a month left of paid bootcamp classes. Oh yea and that walking thing is supposed to be pretty consistent because I signed up to do a half marathon. (what was I thinking???) I am not feeling too motivated.
This leads me to my biggest problem...I want it all now and in a quick fix....a drop of a hat....snap of a finger....and wave of a magic wand. I want to be back in a size 12 pants, no more muffin tops or jelly rolls, and I want to look cute in clothes again.
Oh and let's just add some more craziness to this... doc put me on an appetite suppressant and low cal diet for another month as well as the hubs. I know that many will say that is not the way to go and even the doc said this is not a permanent thing but a training mechanism on how to eat right and smaller portions. Hell I ate fricking Kashi this morning for breakfast and suffering the wrath or miserable indigestion ever since!! Who constantly eats that crap day in and day out? Can I just say "I HATE IT!"
I truly wish I lived back in CO with friends and family that would drag me out of the house more often. But alas, I am in Texas where people stay indoors more often and on their own side of town. I am open to suggestions but don't criticize me because that just shuts you out and puts a target on your head for my dart practice.
I still take care of what I need to, respectively that is work, family and the house. Seems there is something missing...oh yea... ME! I have pushed me to the side even though it may not seem like it. Yes, I started walking a bit more often whenever a friend has time to meet up with me and I started a "bootcamp" class 3 days a week. However, schedules haven't allowed me to walk with a buddy lately and I only have a month left of paid bootcamp classes. Oh yea and that walking thing is supposed to be pretty consistent because I signed up to do a half marathon. (what was I thinking???) I am not feeling too motivated.
This leads me to my biggest problem...I want it all now and in a quick fix....a drop of a hat....snap of a finger....and wave of a magic wand. I want to be back in a size 12 pants, no more muffin tops or jelly rolls, and I want to look cute in clothes again.
Oh and let's just add some more craziness to this... doc put me on an appetite suppressant and low cal diet for another month as well as the hubs. I know that many will say that is not the way to go and even the doc said this is not a permanent thing but a training mechanism on how to eat right and smaller portions. Hell I ate fricking Kashi this morning for breakfast and suffering the wrath or miserable indigestion ever since!! Who constantly eats that crap day in and day out? Can I just say "I HATE IT!"
Why does something like losing weight have to be so hard to do?
I am not an overly athletic person, never have been but at the same time I never was a big food person either. But thanks to pregnancies and age, fat is stuck to me like glue and it sucks. I know that long term weight loss and health comes from exercise and eating right....but easier said than done (especially in the hot as hell Texas weather). I truly wish I lived back in CO with friends and family that would drag me out of the house more often. But alas, I am in Texas where people stay indoors more often and on their own side of town. I am open to suggestions but don't criticize me because that just shuts you out and puts a target on your head for my dart practice.
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